Mexican Omelet


Mexican Omelet


3 large eggs

1-2 Jalapenos, deseeded and diced

1 roma tomato, deseeded and diced

¼ cup diced onion

1 tablespoon water

2 tablespoons olive, canola, or vegetable oil

1 tablespoon butter

½ cup of shredded mexican cheese


Deseed and dice the jalapeno, tomato and onion, set aside.  Mix eggs and water in a medium bow. Mix the egg mixture for a full minute to impart some air into the eggs. This will ensure that your omelet is light and fluffy.  Heat a medium to large nonstick skillet on medium heat and add oil. Once it is hot add the vegetables and saute for a couple of minutes. You don’t want to overcook them. Now put them in a bowl and set aside. Clean the pan out with a paper towel and heat on low heat for a full minute before adding the eggs to the pan. Let the eggs sit for a minute before separating small pockets in the middle of the eggs so that the mixture has an opportunity to filter down and cook through. Once you see that the eggs are no longer “runny” on top, you can add your vegetable to one side of the omelet. You can also add the cheese at this time. Carefully fold the side with no veggies over the other side and let cook for an additional minute. You can flip the omelet to the other side and cook for another minute, and top with some more cheese.  Slide the omelet onto a plate and top with cilantro and serve with sliced avocados and tomatoes. Enjoy!


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